


What the Tech Industry Has Learned from Linus Torvalds: Jim Zemlin at TEDxConcordiaUPortland

Presented by Jim Zemlin, Linus Torvalds’ boss, this talk mainly focuses on several lessons that he learned from watching Linus Torvalds build Linux. The main points are: don’t aim for success, give away the things we build, and have no plan. These points go against the mainstream but provide us with another perspective on how to approach any project we want to undertake to achieve something.

Free software, free society: Richard Stallman at TEDxGeneva 2014

Richard Stallman, who founded GNU, with Linux as one of its components, is sharing his views on free software. He has strong points on how computer software access and development should be democratized and not controlled exclusively by several parties. Advocating the liberation of the cyberscape is the main premise that he holds.

Operating Systems: Crash Course Computer Science

As a medium-duration type of video, Crash Course successfully covers the topics of operating systems. It discusses the history and developments of operating systems as one of the main components of current computers, which can be found in many devices.

Regular Expressions - Enough to be Dangerous

Regular Expressions are great tools to process many kinds of text files. Through using Debian, I try to understand and utilize this feature, and this video helps a lot in understanding that.


Regular Expressions (Regex)

This website primarily focuses on regular expressions, making it an excellent platform for learning and comprehending related topics. Containing several examples, it is much easier to understand Regex through this website.

Operating System Tutorial

This website provides a general overview of operating systems. It consists of several important topics that enhance understanding of the subject.

A tutorial introduction to Git

Containing several important syntax elements for operating Git, this website serves as a great medium for understanding such topics. It is simple and straight to the point, allowing us to enhance our knowledge.

An Introduction to Cyber Security Basics for Beginner

This link explains the basics and fundamental concepts of cybersecurity. As a beginner, I believe what makes this link interesting is the simple choice of words used to communicate the idea of cybersecurity.

Bash Scripting Tutorial – Linux Shell Script and Command Line for Beginners

This website contains a summarization of bash scripting. It enables the reader to try the commands introduced by providing some examples. I find this link interesting because it explains complex concepts in a simple manner and allows us to delve deeper into the material through examples.


This link explains the most common types of malware. What makes it interesting is that they summarize all the types of malware that will be explained before the paragraph, so that readers can get the general idea.


File Systems in Operating System

This links is about file systems, their types, advantages, and disadvantages. It also briefly describes what a file is and how the name of a file is divided into two parts: the name and the extension. What makes this passage interesting are its comprehensive overview, advantages and disadvantages of file system, several terminology, and practical information.

What Is a File System? Types of Computer File Systems and How they Work – Explained with Examples

This links discusses file systems, explaining what they are and why they are essential. It touches on various aspects related to file systems, such as partitioning, formatting, and booting. What makes it interesting is that it provides a comprehensive overview of file systems, breaking down complex concepts into understandable terms. It also highlights the evolution from traditional BIOS-based systems to modern UEFI-based systems and the differences in partitioning schemes. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of file systems in managing data efficiently on storage devices.

File System Interface in Operating System

This article is all about file systems and what they do. It says that file systems are super important in every computer system because they help store and arrange all the stuff we use, like data and programs. The article also talks about the different parts of a file system, like files, folders, and some things called file attributes. What’s cool is that it explains everything in a simple way, so you can easily understand how files are named, organized, and taken care of in your computer. Plus, it teaches you some basic stuff about files, like what they’re made of and what you can do with them.

Understanding the File System interface

The links talking about something called a file system interface and its important parts, like volumes, directories, and files. These things help us work with and control real stuff on our computers or other devices. Also, it’s important to know that every real thing we work with has some extra information called properties, and we can get to this info using the file system interface.

Files & File Systems: Crash Course Computer Science #20

The video talks about how computers keep and manage files. It tells us that files like text, music, and pictures are saved in a special computer language called binary. The video also talks about file systems, which help us find, open, and change these files on our computer. It even explains tricky stuff like file fragmentation and how files are organized in folders, but in a way that’s easy to get.

FAT32 vs exFAT vs NTFS - Windows File Systems

This video is all about the different types of file systems used in Windows, like FAT32, exFAT, and NTFS. It’s super cool because it explains how each file system works and why you might choose one over the others. It also talks about stuff like compatibility and file size limits, so you’ll know which one to use for your computer or flash drive.

File System Concept

This video delves into the concept of file systems, which are essential for organizing and accessing data on computers. What makes it interesting is how it breaks down complex abstractions like files, filenames, and directories into understandable terms. It also explores the architecture of file systems, offering insights into how they function and are optimized.


The Basics of C Programming

This link mainly talks about fundamentals of C programming. It is a comprehensive source to learn about C language.

History of C Language

This link talks about the history of C language. It is a funfact that nice to know, we could apply the wisdom we get from the writings.

The Development of the C Language

This link talks about the development of the C language. It is an eye-opening writing that shows the journey of C.


Page Table Entries in Page Table

This link talks about page table. I love this link cause it is generally easy to comprehand.

Virtual Memory Overview

This link contains the overview of virtual memory. This link is easy to understand.

How is Virtual Memory Translated to Physical Memory?

This link consists of several points to translate virtual memory to physical memory. It is easy to read from the links.


Fork System Call in Operating System

This link explains fork in through a simple way. It’s easy to grasp such a complex topic by reading this link.

Fork() System Call

Explaining fork() in system call, this link delve deep into the topic really well. I enjoy reading it.

Fork() in C Programming Language

This link shows a comprehensive explanation of fork. I can understand what fork is easily just by reading this link.


Introduction of Process Synchronization

I think this link sums up the whole concept of synchronization in a very good manner. I will continue my readings on this topic more.

What is Process Synchronization in Operating System (OS)?

This link states that it is necessary for a multi-process system where several processes coexist and concurrently attempt to access the same shared resource or piece of data. A good opening to introduce the concept.

Process Synchronization in OS (Operating System)

This link states that when two or more process cooperates with each other, their order of execution must be preserved otherwise there can be conflicts in their execution and inappropriate outputs can be produced. It is a good start to understand the whole concept. It is a good source to read.


Linux From Scratch

This links talk general concept of linux from scratch. It is totally great source to read this due to the simple language it uses.

Build LFS Linux From Scratch tutorial part one - January 2023 - 30894961

The video gives tutorial how to build linux from scratch. If somebody wants to build it, I think it is a good source!

What Is Linux LFS (Linux from Scratch)

This link talks about LFS project in general. If somebody is very unfamiliar with LFS, it is a good link to start.


Linus Torvalds

It is a good link to know Linus Torvalds. He is a great computer scientist who found linux.

How Bill Gates Started Microsoft: From Harvard Dropout To Tech Giant

The link is a resource to know a general story behind microsoft. It is a great source to read for fun.

Disk Management in Operating System

This link talk about disk management. It is a complete source to know the deep concept of it in operating system.